You can make a difference

We update this page regularly with current Calls to Action. Call your elected officials, sign a petition, join a rally, or write a public comment. You can make calls on your own or join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (fewer times in the summer) at 5:00pm as we work through the list of calls together.

If there is an issue that you are passionate about, and would like a Call to Action to be included in our Zoom meeting, please feel free to contact us at

To find out who represents you in all levels of government, see our Democracy Tool Kit.

the stakes for reproductive freedom


  • expand the court

    Ask reps to co-sponsor the Judiciary Act of 2023 to expand the Supreme Court by four seats.

  • repeal comstock act

    Ask reps to co-sponsor the Stop Comstock Act introduced by Senator Tina Smith.

  • Minnesota ERA petition

    Sign the petition and ask your state reps to sign it too to pledge their support to get the ERA passed in 2025.

Action hour – 05.14.2024

  • Ceasefire

    This CTA prepared by National Indivisible asks us to contact our Senators to express support for a ceasefire and opposition to Israel’s Rafah invasion.

  • Contact Minnesota PUC

    Contact MN PUC to demand that CenterPoint’s long term plan be more aggressive on reducing natural gas usage.

  • Minnesota ERA

    We need to make one final push to pass the ERA. Call your Senators and demand that they act with urgency and pass an ERA that uses the House language.

  • Child Tax Credit (MN)

    Contact Tax Conference Committee chairs and request that they include the House version of the child tax credit in the final Tax bill.

Action hour – 04.23.24

  • Judicial Ethics enforcement act

    Ask our Senators to introduce the Senate bill for the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act that has already been introduced in the house by several Democrats including Rep. Omar.

  • Reproductive Health Equity Fund

    Contact MN Legislators and ask them to allocate funding to the Reproductive Health Equity Fund.

  • Support passage of election bills

    Contact house and senate election committee chairs and vice chairs about election legislation.

  • Complete the MN Values Survey

    The Minnesota Values Project is a collaboration between DFL Legislators, unions and community organizations to build a statewide agenda that is rooted in the values, hopes and concerns of everyday Minnesotans.

  • support anoka-hennepin students

    Sign this petition and send your support to the students of the Anoka-Hennepin school district who are upholding diversity and history in their schoos.

Action hour – 04.09.24

  • Clarence Thomas Recusal

    Clarence Thomas needs to recuse himself from the United States v. Trump, presidential immunity case, due to Ginni Thomas' participation in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

  • Ceasefire

    We ask that the Biden Administration follow the recommendation of the Center of International Policy.

  • minnesota ERA

    We need to keep pushing our elected reps to pass the MN ERA bill so it can be put to the voters

  • gun storage

    Ask your State Senator and House Rep to pass this gun storage bill.

  • Nullify Citizen's United (MN)

    State-level bill to urge Congress to overturn Citizen's United.

Action hour – 03.26.24

  • Independent Redistricting

    Contact your MN House Rep and ask them to support HF4593, an Independent Redistricting Commission.

  • African American Family Preservation Act

    Minnesota’s African American youth are removed from their homes at an alarming rate and a large number are crossing over from child protection into the juvenile justice system. Racial disparities are found in the entire process; from initial reporting, screening and assessment to discharge from the system.

  • Medical Debt Reform

    Contact your Minnesota Reps and ask them to support 2 bills dealing with medical debt.

  • nomination of adeel mangi

    Contact Senator Smith and ask her to publicly support Adeel Mangi's nomination to a judgeship on the Federal Court of Appeals.

Action hour – 03.12.24

  • Expand SCOTUS

    National Indivisible is asking chapters to write to representatives asking that they sign on to expansion of SCOTUS.

  • Reproductive Freedom Agenda for 2024

    As the MN legislative session gets underway, we are continuing to advocate for reproductive freedom in Minnesota, which includes passing a Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment.

  • Expanding Democracy

    Support of three We Choose Us bills that are being put forward to continue the work to build an expansive democracy in MN

  • No poison riders!

    As congress continues to kick the can down the road on budget, MAGA representatives continue to demand poision riders to bills.

This is what democracy looks like? – 02.20.24
DFL Resolutions

Action hour – 02.13.24

  • MN Equal Rights amendment

    Contact your MN state rep and senator and ask them to champion the ERA in Minnesota.

  • healthcare public option

    Ask your reps and Goernor Walz to support the MNCare public option.

  • Support MN Court Interpreters

    Contact your MN reps and urge them to intervene on behalf of court interpreters, who play a vital role in our justice system.

  • Local Action

    If you live in Hennepin County, sign this on-line petition to shut-down the HERC trash burner.

Action hour – 01.30.24

  • Support the Rural American Healthcare Act

    A program that asks doctors to make a five year committment to serve in a rural hospital and in exchange receive student loan repayment.

  • Provide remote access to US vs Donald J. Trump trial

    Demand the trial of United States vs Donald J. Trump be broadcast.

  • Pass a Minnesota End of Life Option Act.

    This bill gives mentally competent, terminally ill adults the option to decide to end their life after being diagnosed as terminally ill and with only six months left of life remaining.

  • Local Action

    If you’re in District 64 in Saint Paul, contact Senator Murphy about the North STAR Act.

  • Local Action

    If you live in Hennepin County, sign this on-line petition to shut-down the HERC trash burner.

attend a future event!

From speakers to book clubs and more, there’s an event for everyone. Take action with neighbors and friends at one of our events.

Let’s get to work!

If you’re looking to make a difference in making the future better for our families and communities, we have a wide variety of ways you can get involved that can fit your schedule. From event planning to communications to postcard writing and beyond, come join your neighbors and volunteer today.

Reach out

Do you have a question about how you can make a difference? Want to send us a note?
We want to hear from you.

Indivisible Twin Cities is an all-volunteer run organization. We rely on donations to cover expenses like website hosting, stamps and other essentials to keep the wheels turning. Please consider a donation today so we can keep making a difference together.